
Chart.js, Canvas

JavaScript Canvas

  1. What does the <canvas> allow a developer to acheive?
    • draw 2D graphics using JavaScript
  2. What is the importance of the closing </canvas> tag?
    • content between the opening and closing tags is fallback content that will display only if the browser doesn’t support the <canvas> element
  3. Explain what the getContext() method does.
    • returns a render context object

Chart.js Documentation

  1. What is Chart.js and how it can be brought into your project?
    • provides a set of frequently used chart types, plugins, and customization options
    • you can integrate it directly or leverage well-maintained wrapper packages that allow a more native integration with your frameworks of choice.
  2. List 3 different Chart types you can create using Chart.js.
    • Area Chart
    • Doughnut and Pie Charts
    • Polar Area Chart

Easily Create Stunning Animated Charts with Chart.js

  1. What are some advantages to displaying data via a chart over a table?
    • easier to look at and convey data quickly
  2. How could Chart.js aid your previously created applications visually?
    • data charts add a certain level of authority to the information being provided
    • votes could be displayed as bar charts