
Readings: HTML Links, JS Functions, and Intro to CSS Layout

Learn HTML

  1. To create a basic link, we wrap text or other content inside what element?
    • <a>
  2. The href attribute contains what information?
    • Hypertext Reference, or target, contains the web address
  3. What are some ways we can ensure links on our pages are accessible to all readers?
    • Don’t repeat URLs as part of the link text
    • Don’t say “link” or “links to” in the link text
    • Keep link text as short as possible
    • Minimize instances where mulitple copies of the same text are linked to different places

CSS Layout

CSS Layout: Normal Flow CSS Layout: Positioning

  1. What is meant by “normal flow”?
    • The way that webpage elements lay themselves out if you haven’t changed their defaults
  2. What are a few differences between block-level and inline elements?
    • Block-level elements fill the available inline space of their parent elements. Grows along the block dimension to accomodate content.
    • The inline element is just the size of their content. Inline height and width cannot be set, unless they are images
  3. ___ positioning is the default for every html element.
    • Static; put the element into its normal position in the document flow
  4. Name a few advantages to using absolute positioning on an element.
    • They no longer “exist” in the normal document flow; sits in a new layer on its own
    • means isolated UI features that don’t interfere with layout can be created
      • popup info boxes, control menus, rollover panes, drag n drop UI features
    • top, bottom, right, and left behave differently with absolute pos.
    • now specify the distance the element should be from the containers sides, not based on the other flow elements
  5. What is a key difference between fixed positioning and absolute positioning?
    • absolute fixes an element in place relative to its nearest positioned ancestor or initial containing block
    • fixed usually fixes an element in place relative to the visible portion of the viewport
      • fixed items like persistent navigation menus that are always visible

Learn JS

Functions - Reusable Blocks of Code

  1. Describe the difference between a function declaration and a function invocation.
    • Declaring a function defines it
    • Invoking a function runs it
  2. What is the difference between a parameter and an argument?
    • parameters are values that need to be included inside the function parentheses and are required for the function to do its job properly. They are withing the function
    • arguments are real values passed to the function (extrinsic)


6 Reasons for Pair Programming

  1. Pick 2 benefits to pair programming and reflect on how these benefits could help you on your coding journey.
    • Learning from fellow students
      • I love this activity because it opens up so many different avenues of approach to arrive at a solution. As a human being I am biologically designed to take the path of least resistance. Think mental game trails…animals will follow the same path to a watering hole or food source until it is compromised, typically by attack or intrusion. The same holds true for developing ways to problem solve and write code. I am going to take the path of least resistance as I get more and more comfortable with writing my own code. Working with a fellow student who has developed their own game trails provides us both an opportunity to break new trail and backfill the ruts we created for ourselves.
    • Engaged Collaboration
      • Working on a small team can be a ton of fun, especially with the right person…and I’m the right person, lol. I love to get after it and get the work done with the help of someone else. It also provides for less scope creep and eyes on the project and end goal ensuring that we can create a viable product as quickly as possible.