iAmAndrewCarroll Doing Things

goodness graceous During the last few months of being abused by a narcissist my physical health began to degrade significantly. Fitness and nutrition play a major role in my self-care practice and I didn't have any energy left to take care of myself. Now that I am in Seattle and free from that situationship I am once again tracking my macros, hitting the gym, making movement a priority, and on a journey of self-discovery and healing the likes of which I never thought possible for me. Stick around. What happens next is going to be absolutely amazing.
that's a hot mic Another major part of my self-love journey is MoJam Monday. This is an improvised jam session where random musicians make up jazzy, funky, and sometimes rock songs on the spot. My goal as an improvised vocalist is to come up with lyrics and tell a story from my heart. I've gotta tell you, this is one of the most freeing and incredible feelings in the entire world. You have to put your ego aside, tap into the most raw parts of who you are, and send it out into the world without hesitation. It is an absolutely life changing experience for me. The truest freedom I have ever experienced... and trust me when I tell you I've chased a lot of dragons and hunted a lot of shadows in the pursuit prior to finding myself here. Photo Credit: Toni Poe
savage little poet I have been writing poetry as a means of processing difficult emotions for at least 5 years. I've called myself a poet for that long at least...but it wasn't until I walked out of my life in Germany to escape abuse and landed in Seattle on 21 Jan 23 that I truly came to life as a poet. Open mics, a creative community surrounding and supporting me, and the upcoming release of my book Scared Little Poet are all dreams I never really thought would come into reality. But here we are, living my dream in so many beautiful ways.

playing with words